Gary and I were privileged to witness a truly amazing legislative hearing
process yesterday.  Many citizens associated with Maine's seven cultural
agencies appeared at the State House at 1:00 p.m. yesterday (many had come
at 12:00 for a press conference in the Cultural Building Atrium) prepared to
testify in support of this legislation.  Four other L.D.'s were heard before
# 1787 resulting in the cultural agency testimony staring well after 5:00
p.m.  Only one of the 14 presenters had to leave before that time!  All
others stayed to speak their minds to the Appropriations Committee on behalf
of us all.

Those testifying for the library world were: Steve Podgajny, Director of
Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick; Donna Chasse, Trustee of the Warren T.
Hansen Memorial Library in Mars Hill; and Barbara McDade, Director of the
Bangor Public Library.  Anne Davis, MLA President, attended the press
conference and attended the appropriations hearing until L.D. 1787 was
completed.  Inese Gruber, Director of Windham Public Library was also
present along with Betsy York (NMLD Executive Board Chair from Mars Hill.)
That these people stayed through a very long afternoon to testify for L.D.
1787 probably made as much of a statement to the Appropriations Committee as
did the wonderful testimony.  Huge thanks to all!!

Linda H. Lord
Director of Library Development
Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, ME  04333
(207) 287-5620
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