I just wanna say hey to everyone and let you know that I am a part of the
list now.  I have been posting to here from the First Class email system at
the University every now and then.  I am a reletively young Alum of UM so
bear with me my first few posts!  :-)  Hopefully we treat each ther better
in here than they do on the USCHO.com message boards!  If not, I am in for
it for the first few weeks!

By the way, I never did quite understand the whole "If you are hosting a
round of the tournament, you get to play games at home"  Most college
sports don't give home advantage come playoff time other than college
hockey.  Not all that fair to a college like Maine that has a small arena
to call home and will never be granted any NCAA tourney action.

Doug Libbey