> I just checked the weekend results and noted that the game between
> Wisconsin and Minn State on Friday was suspended.  Unfortunately, there
> does not appear to be any write-up of why.  Can someone fill me in on
> that?

The power went out with 5:08 remaining in the game.

The game was resumed at 7:05 Saturday (the scheduled start of the
Saturday game).

They handled it like the start of a period: only the skaters who were on
the ice for the faceoff were allowed to warm-up, everyone else went
directly to the bench. They didn't introduce anyone, or say anything
(except the announcer did say "lets play two!" when the teams came out).

after the 5:08 was done, the teams returned to the locker rooms, the ice
was resurfaced, and the regular pre-game protocol began (warmups,
introductions, anthem, etc).
