I'm a Maine alum and my son and my daughter are there now.  We were discussing what shade of blue was the official Maine Blue.  My daughter seemed to think that it had been navy-blue but that it was changing or had changed.  I always thought that it was non-specific and that all shades were acceptable.  Can anyone shed any light? 



-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Woodbury [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 6:53 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: GO BLUE! Night


Had to tape the game because I was working and haven't watched it yet. But thanks for the pic of the new sweater. Nice, but should have been a lighter "Maine blue."

S. Hayes wrote:

better sound system is the first thing comes to my mind - no obstructed
views (the people
who sit high in the corners can't see behind the net on their end - several
big screens for
instant replays of goals questionable calls etc. would add alot to the
----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Hermes" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2003 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: GO BLUE! Night
If you have
ideas of what you think would make things better inside the rink, as
well as
the additional locker rooms, better equipment and training
areas and such ...
send me a note.  I will pass the comments on, I promise.
Although this may not be practical, it was the first thing that came to
A sort of closed-circuit TV system with monitors placed so that you can
see them when you're in line at the concession stand.  Just have a couple of
fixed cameras in the arena that show opposite ends of the rink, perhaps?
Have 2 TVs set up side by side, and you can watch the game as it unfolds.
It would seem to be a single-time expenditure, and wouldn't require any
extra work once it's in place (you wouldn't need anyone to "run" it).
They've got something like it a lot of places, including the Sea Dogs!
Just a thought...
(who's in town, but failed to acquire tickets to the game, so is watching
courtesy of WABI)