> In response to the many confusions that seem to be out there regarding
> CEUs  we are in the process of putting  together a comprehensive page
> which we hope to post to the MSL web page very shortly.  Since it may be
> as much as a week before we get that done I'm sending at least some of the
> information in this email.
> First here is the CEU form which went missing at Conference.  I posted it
> to MELIBs right after conference but it didn't get there either.  There
> must be a CEU gremlin this year??  Anyway here is the form.        When
> you have completed it please return it to me at one of the addresses given
> at the end of this message (email or snail mail).
>    <<Application for CEU Credits.doc>>
> Next lets clarify at least some of the issues regarding CEUs.
> 1. Who issues CEUs?
>  When MLA had its SACCE program Walter Taranko  brokered an arrangement
> with the Department of Education that allowed the SACCE Committee to issue
> CEUs. (Normally only bona-fide institutions of higher education have that
> capability.) That responsibility was moved to the State Library when SACCE
> became inactive.  As such we must meet DOE requirements for issuing CEUs
> which are based on the nationally accepted standard of ten contact hours
> equalling 1 CEU.  MLA  no longer has any responsibility for the issuance
> of CEUs.
(Got a message from Shirley this morning indicating that MLA's web pages
still contain a reference to the awarding of CEUs.  I will contact Lynn
Smith and have her remove that reference.)

> 2. What can you do with CEUs?
> If you are a school library staffer you can count MSL CEUs as part of your
> continuing education requirement for certification (4.5CEUs equal 3
> college credits).  Walter's arrangement with the Department allows for
> their recognition for the purpose of DOE certification, but only for those
> who already have their MLS.  However, **you can also simply count the
> hours you participate in professional developmernt or continuing education
> activities and submit them with any appropriate documentation (i.e.
> agenda, registration form, certificate of attendance) to your local
> committee.  It would then be the responsibility of the local committee to
> determine the validity of your documentation.  The CEU certificate, on the
> other hand, is absolutely acceptable because of the fact that CEUs have a
> standard that is recognized by institutions nationally.  Support staff can
> also use them toward their recertification.
> If you are a public library staffer who does not have an MLS or its
> equivalent you would use your CEUs to meet the requirements of the Maine
> Library Association's voluntary certification program which is only
> available to non-degreed persons.  Degreed professionals have no official
> use for CEUs but may find them helpful in showing professional development
> during the salary negotiations process.
3. Social Security # requirement
The reason we have always required a social security number is so that we
can identify the proper recipient of CEUs.  Since all of us change
addresses, jobs, even last names when we marry it is the only unique
identifier we have unless we go to the trouble of creating a whole new
system. I certainly don't want or need that responsibility and I don't think
anyone wants to have to remember another PIN, identifier, etc.  I would
suggest that those who don't feel comfortable giving you their SS# be
assured that we aren't using it for anything else and that we are after all
a governmental agency.  If they still are unwilling the only thing you can
do is offer them the alternative (for school folks only) noted above **.
The MLA system may also have a means of handling this but I suspect that
they would prefer the CEUs because of the standards involved.

4. Partial credit
Offering partial credit ( .1, .2, .3 CEUs, etc.) is up to the workshop
provider but does require more recordkeeping.  Thus the Consultant's could
opt to give partial credit but would be responsible for seeing that the
correct number of CEUs is recorded for MSL.   Especially on one-day events
it seems onerous to have to track multiple numbers, and with the exception
of the CEUs offered for the Maine Libraries Conference, participants are
only required to be in attendance for the allotted amount of time to get
their CEUs.  Not much to ask.

5. Maine Libraries Conference CEUs
Because we have had a question about why these CEUs have a different
requirement than time spent as noted in the last point, it seems prrudent to
share the rationale upon which these CEUs are awarded.  Unlike a single day
event where participants usually sign up ahead of time and are easily
noticed if absent, the Maine Libraries Conference with its multiple day
format does not lend itself to easy recordkeeping.  So the only way we can
be sure that folks actually attend the events they list is to require that
they provide us with feedback about those events.  This concrete and easily
validated record requires a maximum of 1/3 of a page per program and often
provides us with the best feedback we get about conference programming.
Without this verifiable accounting we would be unable to offer CEU credit
for the conference.

6. Credit for activities required outside of an event
Many one day events require homework, follow-up or other after-the-event
activities.  These can be counted as part of a CEU requirement as long as
the inclusion is requested as part of the application to offer CEUs.  Again
what gets credit is determined by what is applied for by the sponsor of the
program. Attached you will find the current application and guidelines for
offering MSL CEUs.   <<CEU Application.doc>>

Please look for a message soon noting the location of these guidelines in
their more complete form on the Maine State Library webpage.  Any questions
can be directed to me.  Thanks,  Edna

> Edna M. Comstock, E-Rate Team
> Coordinator Learning and Technology Services
> Maine State Library
> 64 State House Station
> Augusta, ME 04333-0064
> 1-800-322-8899 or 207-287-5620
> [log in to unmask]