Molly Larson of Bangor Public Library has designed a nifty brochure for BPL
patrons. I know she has been extremely generous in sharing this with others.
Do you mind posting it to MELIBS, Molly?  My apologies if I have put you on
the spot...Linda

Doing research? Just curious about something? Have a child doing homework?
Trying to prove a point? Bored? Visit
<>  to access a searchable collection
of online magazines, newspapers, journals, dictionaries, encyclopedias  and
images that can be accessed electronically via the Internet. This site
provides access to almost ten million articles in more than 3000 journals,
magazines and newspapers. Funded by a variety of sources, these are
available through a cooperative licensing agreement negotiated by the Maine
State Library, and the University of Maine System. Any computer with
Internet connectivity can access this site. Try it; you'll be amazed!

Linda H. Lord
Director of Library Development
Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, ME  04333
(207) 287-5620
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