I wouldn't be putting my Fleet Center tickets on Ebay quite yet.  Maine may
be a team that just doesn't always win unless they have their backs firmly
against the wall.  They certainly have the talent to beat anyone in the
I'm disappointed but I'm far from giving up!

GO BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: james acheson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 10:43 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Concealed

as far as fireball = players winning?

Serino is a fireball... and maybe he gets a couple extra wins out of
Merrimack, but so what.

PArker is the biggest fireball in HE, and with repeated lousy finishes... so

and last, Jerry York yells about once a game, if that.  Kinda like Tim.  I
do not see how fireball = win.

Shawn was much more than a fireball.  he knew how to get into your head.
and he knew how to get the guys to show up in October in almost top shape.

second, someone mentioned recruiting being a problem...  I cannot remember a
better freshman class (save for the absurd class 10 years ago) Wight is a
wonderful freshman defender, way better than Nault as a freshman, I think.
Moore can wear Niko's #15, he looks that good, if not better (as a
freshman--- save for the current playoff performance), and there is a frosh
goalie who is pretty good, jimmy something.  Damon is a big surprise.  And
when Mullin plays, he does not seem to make the mistakes I remember Loya and
Nault making as freshmen (Imes was a better freshman defender, but c'mon).
NOt a bad class, ...c'mon....

also remember that the good guys have recruited an Aquino, if he is as good
as his brother... look for a 50 goal scorer on a line of aquino Jackson and
Shields.  (I know this is a big IF, but Anthony was something special,
stealing games over and over on a really lousy team)


or .JIm to some

last, I have a areal hard time believing that I bough t fleet center tickets
all those weeks ago for no reason whatsoever...

 Jeffrey Hill <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Subject: Re: Same 'ole situation

I wrote a reply to an earlier message today and rescinded it changing my
mind. Here is what I wrote, now that I have read Deron's last message.

Without directing any blame, fault or disrespect for Tim, consider the
following question.

We as Maine fans are used to a different coaching style than is currently in
place. Does anyone feel that the more laid back style that is currently at
Maine is part of the problem with leadership?

My personal opinion is that if you play for a fireball, you go 600 mph with
your hair on fire to earn your place. If you play for a passive style, you
play 50 mph with no "go get 'em umph" and say at the end of every loss, "we
didn't come to play last night", or, "we didn't have the heart tonight".

I think Tim is a great coach on the rink board, but I don't think he can
light the fire. I really thin! k last years heart was from the players that
skated for Shawn and UMaine, and earned the spot.

Deron said earlier about Nault turning the puck over. Without bringing up
the dreaded "Shawn would have" program viewed earlier on this same station,
I don't think there are many coaches that would not have benched a player
for their part in numerous turnovers.

Do these guys wear the uniform because they go to school there? Where is the
"earning" your spot on a roster? Where is the "pride" that goes with earning
that jersey? Not just wearing it for a couple of hours on the weekends and
having it laundered at the university laundry mat.

I don't know about the rest of you, and I'm sure I'll be set on fire by many
people on the boards, but this is not the Maine team and program I have been
a fan of for 16 years. This needs to be turned around right now and for
good. I don't like where this program is headed. (and no, I don't think I'm
jumping the gun at what some ma! y call a bad "slump", this has an entirely
different feel than a slump).

Let the cannons rip.

t >>> [log in to unmask] 03/07/03 09:27AM >>>
This quote is from "captain" Chris Heisten in today's Bangor Daily News
(Larry Mahoney)

"We let in two soft goals. The team defense wasn't there tonight," said
Maine senior left wing and captain Chris Heisten. "There's no excuses. You
have to come to play every night and we didn't."

How many times are we going to hear, "we didn't come to play tonight" or "we
weren't ready", etc., etc.

I read a couple different recaps of the game and didn't see much for quotes
from Tim Whitehead. The only thing I did see was he made a wishy washy
comment about liking the way they played.

Stop being part of the problem. He needs to light a fire under Maine for

Great coaches get their teams ready to play. As far as I'm concerned
Maine's problems h! ave reached epidemic proportions now and the coach can
longer rely on the captains or team leadership, or experience to pull them
through. He has to do what he can to make it happen. If Maine loses
tonight (or Saturday) and you see quotes that they "weren't ready" or
"didn't come to play" that will be Tim Whitehead's fault.



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