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From: Institute for Global Ethics [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 5:07 PM
To: List Member
Subject: Ethics Newsline -- March 10, 2003.

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In the March 10, 2003, edition of Ethics Newsline:

For the complete issue, click here:


1. Statline:
   Poll Shows U.S. Public Supports Medical Malpractice Reform

Full story:


2. Commentary by Rushworth M. Kidder:
   Iraq and the Moral High Ground

The pending war with Iraq is widely seen as a moral issue. That fact may
seem obvious. But consider that, only a few weeks ago, the debate was being
framed mostly as a matter not of ethics but of politics, diplomacy,
economics, or military strategy. As always, those favoring immediate
invasion and those wanting more time for inspections are both claiming the
moral high ground. As the rhetoric has ratcheted up, each side increasingly
views the moral discussion as central. With passions running this high, it's
worth asking what "moral high ground" means, why it matters, and how one
gets it and keeps it....

Full story:


3. What They're Saying:
   Even a Hint of the Blacklist

"Some have recently suggested that well-known individuals who express
'unacceptable' views should be punished by losing their right to work. Even
a hint of the blacklist must never again be tolerated in this nation."

-- From a statement posted last week on the Web site of the U.S. Screen
Actors Guild, which said some actors who have taken a public stand against a
U.S.-led war on Iraq have faced censure and possible loss of work because of
their views. Hollywood, the AP notes, was badly damaged in the 1950s by the
government-led blacklisting of actors, directors, and others accused of
supporting communism. (AP, Mar. 4.)


4. Ethics Scandals Spark Executive Resignations

Unfolding ethics scandals, backed by threats of civil and criminal action,
unseated four senior executives last week at Capital One, Credit Suisse
First Boston, and the U.S. Olympic Committee....

Full story:


5. South Korea Announces Inquiry into 'Chaebol' Dealings

South Korea last week announced an investigation into the behavior of six of
the country's largest business groups, or "chaebol," saying there were signs
they had illegally manipulated stock deals in order to amass more power....

Full story:


6. Supreme Court Upholds Constitutionality of Harsh 'Three Strikes' Law

A sharply divided U.S. Supreme Court last week upheld California's tough
"three strikes" law, backing a prison sentence of 50 years with no chance of
parole for a man convicted of stealing nine videotapes worth $150. The
court's rulings cover two cases, both decided by the same 5-to-4 split,
debating the fairness of prison terms meted out under the nation's harshest
three-strikes law, which is intended to curb recidivism....

Full story:


7. Scope of Two Sex-Offender Laws Upheld by Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court last week issued rulings upholding key principles of
the nation's sex-offender laws, throwing out challenges accusing Alaska and
Connecticut of violating privacy and constitutional rights....

Full story:


8. Victoria's Secret Rebuffed in Trademark Dispute

U.S. companies hoping to keep competitors from using knockoffs of their
famous names must do more than simply prove that consumers link the
competitor with the real thing: They must prove that such a link actually
damages the original, the Supreme Court ruled last week in a setback to
lingerie retailer Victoria's Secret....

Full story:


9. Pennsylvania Urged to Impose Moratorium on Death Penalty

The state of Pennsylvania should put a moratorium on the death penalty until
it can study the effects of race on death-penalty sentences, a special
committee appointed by the state's Supreme Court recommended last week....

Full story:


10. U.S. Military Seeks Exemptions from Environmental Protection Laws

The U.S. military is asking Congress for broad exemptions from many of the
nation's key environmental laws, insisting it needs more leeway from such
oversight to remain ready for war....

Full story:


11. Canadian Member of Parliament Rebuked for Anti-American Statements

There are growing calls for stern reprimands for a Canadian member of
Parliament, Carolyn Parrish, who was overhead by media representatives in
the Canadian Parliament to state, "Damn Americans, I hate those

Full story:


12. Following Protests, Auditor Drops Contract with Animal-Testing Lab

Deloitte & Touche last week announced that it would no longer audit the
books of a U.K. animal testing lab, following months of protests and
harassment by animal-rights activists who targeted the auditor's directors
and staff....

Full story:


13. Prisoner Needing Liver Transplant Sparks Debate over Medical Ethics

OMAHA, Nebraska
The ethics of providing organ transplants for convicted prisoners is being
revived with the case of a Nebraska woman in prison for murder and in need
of a new liver, the Associated Press reported last week....

Full story:


14. Research Report:
    More Than Half of U.S. Adults Support Medical Malpractice Reform

From Harris Interactive:

"Recent results of The Wall Street Journal Online/Harris Interactive(r)
Health-Care Poll showed that more than half (58 percent) of adults in
America favor new legislation to limit the costs of medical liability and
reduce the costs of medical malpractice insurance. Only 16 percent of the
public would oppose such a limitation, while a full 25 percent of those
surveyed said they 'don't know.'..."

Full story:


15. Quote from the Ethics File:
    The Vital Process

"Honest differences of views and honest debate are not disunity. They are
the vital process of policymaking among free men."

-- Herbert Hoover (31st U.S. president, 1874-1964)


Full issue available here:

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