>I would say the logical choices for C's are Jackson and Nault.  possibly give a
> A to Ryan but with the threat that it could be removed at any time.

I wish I knew Jackson and Nault, but I don't.  Except that they will be
upperclassmen, why should either be captain?

It sounds like some view captain as an honorary position ...  something
akin to Grand Marshall of a parade.   Each of our very successful teams
have had one or a few very devoted leaders: people unafraid to interact
with players and coaches,  and ability to prepare the team for success.
Leadership "on the ice" follows from that ...  it isn't the be all, end

I don't know if Prestin can or can't put three words together,   but he
appears to be prepared and consistently play hard ... making me believe
he would do the preparation and follow thru leading the team to excell.
Besides,  wearing the "C" would allow Prestin to talk with the referees
and possibly be within the rules.  ;-)

cheers, wayne