i've run all 128 scenarios that don't involve ties in the consolation
games tomorrow and, without the bonuses, I can pretty much predict the
14 teams are in for certain
   the MAAC champion will be in
the 16th them will be St. Cloud unless....
   CC wins
   Dartmouth wins
   MSU mankato wins
   Mercyhurst wins
   michigan wins
   and either cornell or ohio state wins
if that happens Providence will be in

# 1 seeds will be
  CC, Cornell, UNH and either maine or minnesota
# 2 seeds will be
  BU, Ferris state, maine/minnesota, and BC/michigan
# 3 seeds are wide open
  BC/michigan  and 3 of (ohio state, mankato, north dakota, harvard)
# 4 seeds will be
  the MAAC team, Wayne State, one of (ohio state, mankato, north
  dakota, harvard) and (believe it or not) St. Cloud or providence
  (most likely St. cloud)

so i count
4/5 HE
5/5 WCHA

                  number of scenarios in which pwr rank is 1-15
    team          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
Colorado College 96  32
Cornell          32  51  29  16
New Hampshire        13  67  48
Maine                        64  16  32  16
Boston University               112  16
Minnesota            32  32          48  16
Ferris State                         32  96
Boston College                               96      32
Michigan                                     32  96
Ohio State                                       32  46  18  18   4  10
MSU-Mankato                                           8  29  33  58
North Dakota                                         18  41  45  24
Harvard                                              24  40  32  28   4
St. Cloud State                                                  14 111   3
Providence                                                            3 125

charlie shub   University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
[log in to unmask]               http://cs.uccs.edu/~cdash
(719) 262-3492                  (fax) 262-3369