The library world was well and ably represented before the Utilities and
Energy Commission yesterday as a hearing was held on LD 29 "An Act to
Eliminate the Telephone Service Tax Dedicated to Libraries and Schools".

The only person speaking in favor of the LD was its sponsor.

The following library-connected people presented testimony against the LD:
(Please forgive me and remind me if I have inadvertently omitted anyone)
Elizabeth Moran - Chair of the Maine Library Commission  (Camden)
Anne Davis - President of the Maine Library Association
Steve Nichols - President of the Maine Trustees Association (Buxton)
Bill Sullivan - President of Friends of Maine Libraries (Bangor)
Nancy Crowell - Scarborough Public Library
Kristi Bryant - Wells Public Library (who left a sick child at home to drive
to Augusta!)
Gary Nichols - Maine State Librarian

Betsy Pohl and Sylvia Norton were in attendance.

Presenters were articulate and clear about the devastating impact that would
result from passage of this L.D.
If I may get personal, Gary and I were delighted and thankful to be
represented by such an impressive group of testifiers.  We thank each person
who spoke, each person who attended the hearing and the many of you
(including Valerie and dozens of others) who took time to email, write, fax
and call legislators on this issue. Those actions on your part make all the
difference in the world.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

The work session on this bill is Monday afternoon (Feb. 10) at 1:00 p.m.
The PUC, DOE reps, and Gary and I will be there to respond to any detailed
questions that may be posed.  There is no opportunity for public testimony
at a work session as the purpose of a work session is to give committee
members an opportunity to ask questions and gather more information about
the issue before them.  However, work sessions are public and any one
available is welcome to attend.

As Barbara McDade has shared with you, a public hearing on ARRC legislation
will be held on Tuesday afternoon.

Thanks again to all of you for your conscientious attention to and support
of library-related legislation.

Other agencies or groups represented and testifying in opposition were:
Maine Municipal Association
Public Utilities Commission
Office of the Public Advocate
Two members of the House of Representatives
ACTEM (Association of Computer and Technology Educators of Maine) President
A school principal
A school superintendent
Maine Private Schools

Those who submitted written testimony against the bill included:
The Maine Principal's Association
Maine School Management Association

Linda H. Lord
Director of Library Development
Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, ME  04333
(207) 287-5620
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