Dear Gavin,

I really don't see the harm in a little intellectual tomfoolery for the sake
of discussion. Now by tomfoolery I mean exploring all sides of an issue, not
using fake names and genders on multiple lists. I belong to only one other
listserve, to which I have never posted. I do admit that I have a penchant
for playing devil's advocate, a game that has gotten me in trouble at
parties from time to time. But you know what? I think it really results in a
good airing out of ideas. I believe I've added to a lively discussion on
this list. Plus, I've learned a heck of a lot about Ezra Pound along the
way. He would have enjoyed these exchanges.

If you actually visited my Web site on Cox, you'd find that my resume is
prominently posted, along with plenty of other fodder for you to mock if it
pleases you. And If my thoughts on any subject really make your blood boil,
feel free to call me at home and we can talk it through. I think you'll find
that I'm a good listener.

There is light snow falling on the streets of Washington and the children
are getting dressed to play. Is there room in such a world for bitterness
and harsh words?

It is Saturday
and I am sleepy
Let there be commerce
between us

Brennen Lukas

>Bull. You've been doing what you always do whenever you reappear on this
>list--dropping little homemade fireworks, weeping crocodile tears and
>simpering ad nauseam. So warm, so human. So melodramatic. So fake.
>The same thing you do on other lists where you appear both under male and
>female personae. Somewhat disingenuous of you to adopt one position one day
>and the opposing the next while claiming to hew to both. Only somewhat
>because you do it every time.
>And since you have a web site on cox cable, why don't you use your cox
>instead of the anonymous hotmail. Oh wait. Is it because you don't want
>anyone to know who you are? No flames please? Oh please don' t'row me in
>briar patch brer fox!! Troll on, Kate.

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