
I wish you the best of luck in the next presidential election. Meanwhile,
keep repeating the word 'jingoism.' Over and over.

A happy little jingo,

>Open your eyes for a moment, and you'll be angry too (if anger is, in fact,
>the accurate characterization for the deep, and
>much-wider-spread-than-Rove-imagines, outrage at this administration, and
>acquiescent manner of those citizens who think it's..well, good that we're
>the 'winners'.
>By the way, fury at US policy and American jingoism (cultural and
>is not 'self-loathing' as was suggested earlier on this thread.   It's
>loathing of US policy and American jingoism.   See the difference between
>that and 'self'?
>Jay Anania
>In a message dated 2/14/03 3:27:00 PM, [log in to unmask] writes:
> > jb,
> >
> > You certainly seem angry at the world - too angry to have a substantive
> > discussion. I hope you can find a productive use for all that energy.
> >
> > For now, I'll get out of your way.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Brennen
> >

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