
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

It might surprise you to know that I'm as much against the Bush crusade
against Iraq as most of you fine folks - and for the same reasons. I too
cringe at the imperialist implications of such an invasion. I too fear the
blowback that is going to come. And yes, I too gritted my teeth in anger at
the 2000 judicial overthrow of a free election.

However, I strongly feel that to debate an issue, you have to look long and
hard at the opposing point of view. Extremism is born from an inability to
see issues with new eyes.

It is simple to dismiss the reasons for a war with Iraq with the wave of a
hand and ridicule others as Hitlerian sheep. Have you ever noticed that many
protestors are very good at protesting, but would make poor leaders? It is
easy to shout "No" at decision makers, harder to make the decisions

What kind of world would we live in today if the pacifists had their way and
allowed Europe to fend for itself against Hitler's war machine? Remember,
Germany was close to developing a nuclear bomb. Sound like anyone else we
know? Are you prepared to live in a world where Iraq is able to gain the
fissile material he so craves? I don't think the Palestinians or anyone else
will find Mr. Hussein much of a friend when his finger is on the button and
his eyes are on the prize.

I post these words for thinking and discussion. No flames please.

Brennen Lukas
>I remember back in the 1940s when even in high school classes a frequent
>topic of conversation was "What were the Good Germans doint?" Brennen,
>you are a good German.

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