
Your analogy made me giggle like a schoolgirl.  It's funny, tho. I was
reading an essay by Charles Tomlinson today and it turns out that WCW
himself felt somewhat betrayed, or at least disappointed, that Eliot and
Pound turned away from the possibilities of American-flavored poetry in
favor of European influences. So perhaps I'm in better company than I first


>     A good way to read Pound in the bathroom is with your head stuck in
>commode. Try it. I'm sure this will reinforce your viewpoint.
>     BTW when did you get married? Your wife isn't the late Kate Cone is
>     You see, Brennen, the internet is not like academia or any institution
>in which there is the process of careful screening to get in. It's more
>like an old frontier saloon in the wild west.

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