
Tom White wrote in parts:

> The "typical strategy" you describe seems to be still the approach of
> deploring "Jewish influence," as in Hollywood and pop culture generally.
> Net is waxing hot these days on all that.
> And I have long given over the fond illusion that anything good can come
> from governments, particularly large central governments. Pound was caught
> up in that illusion to a faretheewell, as H.L. Mencken was not, as Mark
> Twain was not, and as Whitman was (I guess) to some extent

> now know that all states must engross and enlarge and steal and rampage
> kill until they achieve what it is in their nature to seek: the death of
> society that gave them birth and permitted them to grow.

I was struck when reading "The International Jew" with its similarity to the
rhetoric, especially from Europe,  that one often hears today.  It is an eye
opener.  It is also scary.  The, "Not all *8*, just those *8* ", sort of
thinking has historically given excuse for some of the worst sorts of

I also look elsewhere than Pound for social solutions.  In his enthusiastic
search for support for his economic ideas, Pound seemed to have ignored the
most central concept of the U S founding fathers; keep a lid on government.

That freedom and security are mutually exclusive.

Perhaps his ideal of State solution to social problems comes from his
absorption in the problems and history of Southern Europe.

Rick Seddon
McIntosh, NM