as some of you know, I'm the Faculty Athletics Representative at my
school, the University of Colorado at colorado springs.  We compete at
the NCAA Division II level.  Our cross country teams have been ranked
as high as 3rd in the nation and our mens golf team was ranked number
1 in the nation this fall. I chair our athletics advisory committee
and receive grade reports on all our athletes.
42 of them have cumulative GPA over 3.5
47 more are above 3.0
another 43 are above 2.5
another 24 are above 2.0
and there are 9 who are below 2.0 and campus ineligible
of those 9, 6 are freshmen and we will be able to take remedial
action.  2 of the remaining three are diligently climbing out of a
hole that was too deep to extricate themselves from in one semester.

the one other, probably will be released.

Lucia is going in the right direction.
C'mon folk, how many schools out there besides minnesota put a premium
on academics?

besides, we have great donuts here in c-springs

charlie shub   University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
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(719) 262-3492                  (fax) 262-3369