>It may be of interest to many of you that after witnessing the Friday
>night game and talking about Howard with other fans in attendance as
>potentially being the best goalie Maine has ever had I ran into 2
>guys whose opinion has more credibility.  Nonni will appreciate this,
>Mike Golden and Bruce Major were heading out of Conte Forum when I
>stopped to say hello, after watching Howard's performance they don't
>feel Jimmy has the potential to be Maine's best goalie ever, they
>think he already is!  I have to say in watching the effortless way he
>makes saves and to date his ability to not give up a weak goal, I

The best Freshman goalie ever, IMHO!

But, greedily, I don't want him this good, if that causes him to have
only a year or two at Maine.   :-\

If he's offered a wheelbarrow-load of money, good for him!
(Not so good for us).  :-)

cheers, wayne