Linda H. Lord
Director, Library Development
Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, ME  04333
Telephone 207-287-5620
Fax 207-287-5624
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What Every Librarian Needs to Know About the USA PATRIOT Act & Related
Anti-Terrorism Measures December 11, 2002 12:00-3:00 PM EST What do the
PATRIOT Act, the revised FBI Guidelines, and other Homeland Security
measures mean for all types of librarians and library patrons? How should
librarians respond to requests from law enforcement for patron information?
What policies and procedures should be implemented at libraries? What tools
or resources are available to help librarians understand the changing
landscape and respond with confidence to law enforcement requests? This
teleconference will provide libraries and their governing institutions with
an analysis of the implications of the recent anti-terrorism measures. This
will include identifying steps that institutions need to take to comply with
proper search warrants, subpoenas, and wiretap requests from law
enforcement. Panelists will address the key legal issues and policy
implications for libraries and address the impact of any legislative and
regulatory proposals on the privacy and First Amendment rights of library