Dear Tech Coordinators, Administrators, Library Directors, Business
Managers, Volunteers  etc.......

The first packets for the E-Rate season have been mailed to School Districts
and Private Schools with those for Vocational Schools and Libraries soon to
follow.  The packets contains a memo, your current information from the
MSLN2 database (the Year 2003 report)  and a 479 form.  They were mailed to
Superintendents and Headmasters so you may need to retrieve them or alert
your administrator that they are about to arrive.  Once they do arrive
please do the following:

1. Read the memo carefully to make sure you are comfortable with the process
and deadline  November 15th, 2002.
2. Check the accompanying Year 2003 report and correct or add missing
3. Complete the 479 certification form  (see instructions in Memo) and
return with the Year 2003 corrected report to:

Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, Me 04333-0064

As soon as we complete the mailing process I will post the forms on the web,
can't promise them any sooner because we have to vacate our building yet
again.  SO we will also be packing, moving and unpacking again this month.
However we still want you to feel free to call us, we will have our Hot line
1-800-322-8899, and email and web capabilities.

And a final note on filtering, CIPA and NCIPA.  By now everyone is, I hope,
aware that MSLN2 turned on filtering July 1, 2002 for all schools that are
members of MSLN2 to ensure compliance with CIPA.  Libraries were not turned
on, except inadvertently.  Any library that still finds filtering turned on
for their site should contact the MSLN Help Desk to get it turned off
1-888-367-6756.  Likewise, schools or districts that have their own
filtering should call the same number if they want the MSLN2 filtering

Schools and districts that elect to disconnect from MSLN2's filtering will
need to make other arrangements to ensure they are in compliance with CIPA
or they could face financial penalties related to their continued
participation in MSLN2.

Libraries are reminded that although they are not required to filter, they
are allowed to request filtering of some or all of their site under this
same system.  The more important issue for libraries is that they be in
compliance with the NCIPA part of the CIPA law which requires that they have
an Acceptable Use Policy that addresses five specific areas, and that has
been adopted as the result of a public meeting.  More information to help
both schools and libraries meet their NCIPA requirement can be found on the
E-Rate website:
<> .

Edna M. Comstock, E-Rate Team
Coordinator Learning and Technology Services
Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0064
1-800-322-8899 or 207-287-5620
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