Starting in Sept. the Maine State Library plans to commence another round of
road trips to various libraries in different parts of the state.  Our first
visit will be to Aroostook County (anyone care to invite us and neighboring
libraries to the very northern part of the County?) and the big question we
have to you all is, "what would you like to get out of these sessions?"

We know what we get out of them: a chance to visit Maine libraries; an
opportunity to meet hardworking, committed Maine librarians; a chance to
learn local issues and concerns.

Please respond to the following questions regarding benefits for you:

What topics would you like to hear about?
What information do you need?
How would you like the schedule organized? (presentations; small groups;
questions and answers; a combination of these?  Other?)
How long should the session be?
Who should attend? (from MSL and locally)

Any ideas/suggestions you have will be most welcome!

Linda H. Lord
Director, Library Development
Maine State Library
64 State House Station
Augusta, ME  04333
Telephone 207-287-5620
Fax 207-287-5624
E-mail [log in to unmask]