>                                             ...  I thought it was funny at
>the beginning of the game when they showed video footage of UNH going into
>the rink, I thought Haydar looked like the cockiest kid.  Not surprising to
>see the dumb spear.

I disagree completely.  Darren Haydar is a terrific young man that you
would have loved like Corie Larose had he played for Maine.  UNH public
relations folks are pretty good, and apparently heavily lobbyed for
"Haydar for Hobie" ...  but Darren deserved making the Hobie Baker
Memorial Award finalist (top-10) and hat trick (top-3 with Hartigan and
Leapold).  I briefly congratulated him while in St.  Paul and observed
some of his family ...  and they are all very nice people.  He's
confident AND good.  We may think his allegiance is to a ...  a bitter
rival, but I think he's a great player and a great person.

That said, I didn't see his penalty, but may I congratulate our Mr. Ryan
for not retailiating, though he was in obvious pain!  Our young men were
focused like no team I've ever seen.  Their stretch run was truely

cheers, wayne