>Still could be 6 Eastern teams

Yes, Harvard and Cornell are still tied (mid way thru the 3rd period).
Should Harvard win, Harvard would join Cornell, Maine, UNH, BU and QC as
6 Eastern representatives.  Should that happen, I think Harvard would go
west, as one of the west teams will come east as a bye (probably

What's with HEA All-tournament defenseman Metcalf late in the game
playing the puck from the bench?  Minor for interference.  Why didn't he
also get a game misconduct?

By the way, all the scenarios I can think of have Maine almost
definitely in the same (east) bracket as UNH, making the road to the
Phrozen Phour going through UNH.

Oh yea ... game update.  UNH wins a close one 3-1. :-(

cheers, wayne