Dartmouth lost 3-2 to Clarkson.

Fortunatly Colgate lost to RPI, Brown lost to Yale, and Princeton beat Hahvahd.

So Dartmouth backs into the #4 seed (going 0-3-1 in their last 4 games) and
will host Colgate next weekend.
Most interesting matchup will be in Cambridge as Hahvahd somehow maintains a #3
seed despite doing even worse than Dartmouth after the break and ends up
hosting Brown, one of the hottest teams in the land until this past weekend.

Complete playoff matchups:
Yale(10) @ Cornell (1)
SLU (9) @ Clarkson (2)
Brown (8) @ Harvard (3)
Colgate (7) @ Dartmouth (4)
Princeton (6) @ RPI (5)