>I only listened to the game, so I can't comment personally on whether UNH
>was really as undisiplined as the radio made it seem.  Certainly giving

They were.  UNH appeared overconfident and not ready to play their best.
I wouldn't expect the same tomorrow night.

>Maine 11 power plays is not disiplined, but with Conrad Heche as the referee
>it is hard to say!! (Ask Blaise MacDonald)  Maine scored on 4 of 11 power

I really *liked* the way Hache called the game.  He seemed to have great
position and called the dangerous, cheap stuff.  He gave the teams the
opportunity "to play", and only seemed to blow the whistle when
necessary.  UNH perhaps won't like the call, but they played a poor game.
Again, I expect more discipline and a much better game from them Saturday.

Yes, Hache does act like a pro ref, but that's not necessarily bad.
Some of the coaches apparently haven't like him because he didn't
explain things (to the coaches).  Hache was going by the NCAA rules that
call for him to talk with the captain, but not the coach.  Since NCAA
referees *do* explain some calls to the coach(es), the coaches
apparently didn't like it.  Hache did explain the call (of several
coincidental minor penalties) to Umile after Ayers was injured.

For a competing view, ;-) you might want to re-listen to the game from
the UNH point of view at


>plays, while holding UNH scoreless in 2 power play attempts, which is quite
>simply the #1 reason the Black Bears got the win.

The UNH penalties certainly were important to the game as it played out,
but I think Maine would have won this one even with no or an even number
of penalties called.  On the other hand, UNH "dropped" or just missed a
number of attempted breakaway passes.  The Maine defense and
back-checking forwards played well.  I think a key getting Shaneberger

>> Well wishes to Ayers, hoping the injury is not serious; and looking
>> for another great battle tomorrow night!

It looked like Ayers left arm was stepped on.  It bled profusely.  Both
trainers were on the ice quickly and quickly took him off the ice.  He
was transported to the hospital and had stiches to bind the wound.

cheers, wayne