Just a couple of thoughts to add...

In my mind, there has been one predominant theme to Maine's season
thus far--the Black Bears play to the level of their opponents.
When they are playing a big game against a good team, they really
step it up a level. Hopefully, this will work in our favor this
weekend as the UNH series is huge--a series against our top rival,
top in our conference, and a serious NCAA Championship contender.

The one thing that worries me about the series is the explosiveness
of the UNH team. I watched their game on FSNE this weekend and
was very impressed. Solid, disciplined defense is an absolute
must in order to take some points away from the Wildcats this

Either way, I'm looking forward to a great weekend series and
a week with no voice afterwards!!

~Alexis '98

-- A Portal as Big as Texas!