I was listening to the BC-Maine game last night on the radio.  The BC
announcers stated that after Tony Voce scored a shorthanded goal that put
BC ahead 2-1 in the second period, Maine player Preston Ryan knocked Voce
into the boards, causing a cut that required stitches. The announcers
strongly suggested that Ryan should have gotten a game misconduct (he got a
5 minute instigating major and a 10 minute misconduct, and other players
got matching minors in the ensuing tussle), and after the game they
suggested the tape of the game be sent to Joe Bertagna's (sp?)office for
review for possible further sanctions to Ryan.

If anyone on the list was at the game, I would like to know the following:
1. Did "the punishment fit the crime"? Or should Ryan been thrown out?

2. Does Hockey East (or college hockey in general) have a process to review
game tape to see if further action should be taken? I know they do this in
the NHL when players have gotten suspended and/or fined for hits, even
though in some cases no penalty was called by the referee at the time.
