>From: Carrol Cox <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: - Ezra Pound discussion list of the University of Maine
>    <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Frost, was Re: The Incoherence of the Pound List
>Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 22:21:11 -0600
>Jack Savage wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > a superficial body of work hardly requires more
> > than a "superficial understanding"
> >
>Oh come now. Frost, admittedly, was a jerk, and I'm no sure why Dan
>thinks his politics were all that better than Pound's. And Frost also, I
>think, had utter contempt for his readers. It's been almost 40 years
>since I read through his collected works, but my impression at the time
>(reinforced more recently by some browsing) was that he had mastered a
>certain tone in some of his best poems -- and then in poem after poem he
>deliberately aped that tone as it were: that one could almost see a
>parenthetical sneer, "Those stupid readers can't tell the difference."
>But still -- you really ought to look again. Try reading "The Subverted

"a certain tone".... well, who can argue with that sort of
precise expression?   ....

the whole point ... or so it seemed to me ... of  the comments
over the last couple of days was that the personal & political
were too susceptible of subjective interpretation when considering
"the artist" ...

so, when I comment on Frost, I am commenting on a first, second,
and .... ohvaguesomethingorotherbackofitallhelpme ... a third look
... at the poems themselves

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