Thanks to both Deron and DaveW for their generous praise!  The check is in
the mail, guys.  ;-)

I've been fortunate to write for two well-respected sources of college
hockey information in USCHO and (previously) the Friends of Maine Hockey

It's also nice to be writing about quality people.  That may be Shawn Walsh,
whose love for the game is immense.  Or Chris Imes, who I contacted in
Slovenia several years ago when doing a FoMH Newsletter piece about Black
Bear alums in Europe, which remains one of my all-time favorites.  Or...  I
could go on and on.  With few exceptions, college hockey people are quality
people, who are a joy to interact with.


>From:  [log in to unmask] Subject:  Re: USCHO Article Date:  Wed, 28 Mar
>2001 19:53:32 EST
>In a message dated Wed, 28 Mar 2001  7:20:42 PM Eastern Standard
>Time, Deron Treadwell <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>The link above is an article by Dave Hendrickson on Walsh's procedure
>to be
>done tomorrow.  A great job by Dave, this is one of the best, most
>human, articles done on Walsh and this very serious procedure.
>It is not surprising to see such praise lavished on an article by Dave
>Hendrickson, who was a correspondent for the Friends of Maine Hockey
>Newsletter as well as USCHO for a couple of years.
>Dave is a truly fine writer/reporter, and we are fortunate to have
>him as USCHO's Hockey East correspondent.

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