George wrote, in part..
>That said, you don't think that the third ranked HE team will get shipped
>west, regardless of ranking, in order to avoid the conference matchup?

Seeding is certainly a gray area in which the committee often gets
"creative" and I don't pretend to have any special knowledge about it.

That said, the committee worries first about 1st round matchups, and those
seem easy to avoid ... most scenarios I ran had either no special handling
or just very minor adjustment.  I *like* that they tend to send the two (or
more) lower teams to the other region, and ME & PC will be higher ranked in
the East.  Note that my prognostication had 7 West and 5 East teams, so it's
unlikely for more than 2 East teams to be sent West, IMHO.

Guess we'll see!

Thanks for the reply, wayne