Hear, hear on Deron's reference to "O Canada."  I know that RPI does both
anthems, and I'd like to hear both, as well.  I actually know the English
words to O Canada, but trust me, you do NOT want me to use my voice in that

Personally, I like mixing up the anthem between the band and vocalists.  My
votes for best Alfond anthem vocalists go to Thad Zmitowski (someday, I'll
pronounce his name right!) and young Afton Cyrus.  The solution to those
who botch/overdo the anthem is simple...they don't come back.

I don't know who said that singing along with an anthem is disrespectful.
Ideally, that's what you're SUPPOSED to do, and that's what was done
decades ago.  The collective vocals sound great coming from the balcony.
Keep it up.

Hmm..."Please rise, remove all hats, and sing along with our national
anthem..."  I'll consider that.