On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 20:50:55 -0400, Steven Kay
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>how about those three walk-ons friday night.  they did pretty darn good

Two words, Steven:  Dynamic coaching.


Okay, actually the guys were pretty keyed up to play that night.  I would
be banned from this board permanently if I repeated verbatim what Coach Jim
Leonard told the Blue Team prior to the game, but we were pretty pumped
nonetheless.  The only thing I didn't bring up in Monday's MaineBeat column
was how much of an rush it was to go into the locker room, anticipating the
start of the game and walking out that tunnel.  Even though it was only a
blue/white, it was pretty good insight to what it's like for the guys to do
it for real.

Time will tell if those walk-ons will turn into consistent Division I
players.  If they keep the spirit they had that night, they definitely have
a chance.