On Tue, 17 Oct 2000 23:22:26 -0500, Lindsay A. Huntoon
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>One final comment (sorry folks, I couldn't resist) -- I REALLY liked Yeats'
>new mask.

I'm glad you did say that, Lindsay, because I agree.

Coach Walsh often said that Yeats is like his mask, plain and simple.
Nothing flashy.  I've always thought as Alfie Michaud or Blair Allison on
the soft-spoken end of the spectrum, with Mike Morrison or Garth Snow (at
the extreme far end!) of the personality scale.  To me, Yeats is somewhere
in the middle: very pleasant, upbeat, but not really demonstrative, either.

That's what I think, anyway.  Glad you brought it up.

Jim Baines