Bill asks:

> Might as well throw this out for discussion... It looks like the term
> "natural hat trick" is being used here to describe either three goals
> scored by one player with nobody else on his team scoring between any of
> them, or three goals by one player in one period.
> I've always heard (and used) the term to describe three goals scored by
> one
> player with no goals scored by *either* team between any of them; i.e. the
> above would be a "natural hat trick" if you take away the Lorentz goal.
> Any consensus on this?
A.  Good luck on finding consensus!  This discussion has taken place on the
list before without there being a consensus.

B.  Apparently the classic definition of "NHT" is 3 consecutive goals by one
player in one period.  However, I am fairly sure that whatever the other
team is doing, goal-wise, is irrelevant.  But its also fairly clear that 3
consecutive goals in a game regardless of period is regarded as a natural
hat trick by most people.

The key concept, therefore, is that you score 3 straight goals for your
side.  People who want to narrow this down are seeking some kind of purist
position (IMHO) that most won't buy.  E.g., if you insisted that the they
take place in one period without the other team scoring, who's to say you
can't put more restrictions on it like "unassisted" or "only in league
games" or "within a total time span of 10 minutes", etc.  There has to be an
end to focus somewhere.  Personally, I vote for any 3 consecutive goals
regardless of period or what the other team does.

Tom Rowe                                          [log in to unmask]
Home of Division 3 National Champion Pointers
89, 90, 91 & 93 and National Runners Up 92 & 98