
Thank you for your remarks/endorsement re:  my play, SIXTEEN WORDS FOR
WATER. I'd like to invite - or re-invite -  those list members who have not
yet read the script to avail themselves of the new CGI text version which
can be accessed
through my site at http://ezrapound.cjb.net

The next scheduled production is in January/
February at the Harlequin Theatre in Olympia, Washington (south of Seattle)
in January/February, 2001. There may also be a production at Harvard. I will
post details as soon as this is performed.

Billy Marshall Stoneking

Wei wrote:

"I am glad William Marshall's play "Sixteen words for water" is doing well.

"I read the text, available on his web site, and found it extremely thought
provoking.  I highly recommend it to all who have not read it yet, and
especially to those who may not have the opportunity to see it performed."

