In a message dated 08/13/2000 10:56:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<<  Unlike your
 totalizing PC moralists, I have faith in the evolving American
 conscience.  In the same way, I abhor the evil Pound has spouted,
 but his great contributions to American literature came from the
 uninfected portions of his brain. >>

which totalizing PC moralists?  do you really think that Chomsky or Blum (or
a hundred other authors) are "PC moralists"?  or that those who don't turn a
blind eye to the horrific carnage that the US has visited on assorted Third
World countries are PC moralists?  I've invited you to share with us these
leftist PC excesses that you so heartily condemn, but thus far you've failed
to do so.  could we please hear from the uninfected portions of your brain?

joe brennan