Martin Deporres  wrote:
>Give up Wei you EFFing git. The second law of thermodynamics applies once
>again--you've just helped speed the degenerative cycle a bit. Instead of
>promoting free discussion as you imply you have utterly impeded it. Just as
>I said. Give up Wei. You lose.
>Now go try and recover your extremely narrow and unhappy life in the little
>time you've remaining.

Messages of this kind are *far* more unwelcome in my Inbox than anything Wei
has ever posted. At least Wei has a point of view which he is prepared to
defend by argument and citation - admittedly sometimes at greater length and
with more frequency than some people may consider appropriate on a list of
this sort; but you don't *have* to read what he has to say if you don't want

Wei's essential point, it seems to me, is most succinctly expressed in one
of the essays on his website:

"Pound's 'Paradiso' is in part defined by the fact that it contains
Mussolini (just as his 'hell' is defined by the fact that it contains
Churchill).  No interpretation of Pound's religious philosophy is complete
which does not take this aspect of his thought into account."

I agree with that, but even if I didn't, I don't see why such views should
be excluded from discussion in this forum.

Richard Edwards
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