Who cares Wei? Give it up. You are a miserably unhappy soul trying to equate your own wretchedness to that of Pound's. The difference being he wrote The Cantos and Personae and you, *culito* have written nada. Give up.

M Deporres

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 07:03:54 GMT  En Lin Wei <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> <<
> Pound says he believes in virtue.  So did most of the Nazis.
>   >>
> <so did most of the priests, nuns and lay brothers-- ditto for politicians
> of
> all stripes, litle old women on the bus . . . .>
> My point is that Pound said he was a fascist (REPEATEDLY).  You seem to
> think that if Pound says he "cared for the poor" such a statement can be put
> forward as evidence  indicating that he is not a fascist.
> By that criterion, neither Hilter nor Mussolini were fascists; nor were the
> vast majority of their propagandists and supporters.
> Have you seen "Triumph of the Will", read Mein Kampf, or Mussolini's
> "Fascist Institutes?  Have you read Gentile and Por (or the works of any
> fascist who did not kill anyone)?
> ----Wei
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