Pound says he believes in virtue.  So did most of the Nazis.

<so did most of the priests, nuns and lay brothers-- ditto for politicians
all stripes, litle old women on the bus . . . .>

My point is that Pound said he was a fascist (REPEATEDLY).  You seem to
think that if Pound says he "cared for the poor" such a statement can be put
forward as evidence  indicating that he is not a fascist.

By that criterion, neither Hilter nor Mussolini were fascists; nor were the
vast majority of their propagandists and supporters.

Have you seen "Triumph of the Will", read Mein Kampf, or Mussolini's
"Fascist Institutes?  Have you read Gentile and Por (or the works of any
fascist who did not kill anyone)?


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