Daniel Pearlman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>Subject: Re: Pound's elitism

Dear Wei,

Sorry you don't get what I'm saying.>>

I may or may not get what you are saying, at least to some extent.  I ask
the questions to provoke thought and discussion, in the hopes that such
exchange is both entertaining and stimulating intellectually (perhaps, in
some instances, even enlightening).  I am sorry if I seemed to go overboard
with the questions.  But take it, if you will, as a compliment.  I found
your post very thought provoking and engaging.

<<Seems to me that you tangle yourself up in my individual phrases and can't
see the wood for
the trees.>>

Perhaps.  They were your phrases, and I found them interesting.  As for what
I can and cannot see, I choose to look both at the wood and the trees, on
occasion; and sometimes to look only at the wood   This time I chose to look
at the trees.     (Isn't this what everyone does? )

>>In any case, unlike yourself, I occasionally enjoy
making informal statements on this list and have neither the time
nor patience to enter into prolonged debates.>>

My statements are all informal.  I respect your choice to make any statement
whenever you wish to.

>>Glad you liked the
reminder about the piped-in music and regret refusal to fill out
>>your questionnaire.

Understood.  I did not expect you to answer every question, of course.

Perhaps you could answer just one.  For instance, you said,

 ><<His stance is perhaps a needed corrective to
>today's PC downgrade of all elites in favor of the always-oppressed
>little guy of every stripe and color.>>

Maybe you could just give one instance of what you mean by "today's
downgrade of elites in favor of the always-oppressed little guy of every
stripe and color."



(PS.  Don't feel of course that you need answer that question.  Choose one
of the other questions I asked, if you like it better.  If you are pressed
for time, then answer next week or next month, or do not answer. I am simply
inviting you to participate in the discussion, because your contribution
would, I think, be a very worthy one).
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