JB wrote:

<<as for the political parties you've listed, the
most one can say about them is that they're irrelevant to the political
process in this country>>

I can sympathize with that viewpoint, though every new party begins as
seemingly irrelevant.  I wonder which of these parties you sympathize with
most, in terms of their platforms or proposals, or if you reject all
political parties outright.

<<the greens may be an exception to this remark, but
that remains to be seen.  >>

I agree with you here.  We could probably say that of all the parties I
listed, the Greens are the "least" irrelevant.

<<what is certain is that if the greens -- or any of
the other parties you list -- should pass beyond the threshold of
irrelevance, they will be co-opted by the moneyed interests,>>

Again, your point is a good one.  The behavior of the Greens in France and
Germany, especially with regard to military intervention in the Yugoslavia,
illustrates the likelihood that American Greens would become just as

<<just as the
major political parties are -- that is, they will become stooges enacting
enforcing laws and policies that ensure that these interests will benefit.>>

So I take it, you are against these parties, or are indifferent to them.  So
once again, forgive my persistence, but while I am again clearer about what
you are AGAINST, I still wonder:

What are you FOR?

Yours inquisitively,

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