In a message dated 07/23/2000 5:34:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

 In short, Pound’s conscious egoistic aggressive tendencies conceal a more
 supportive feminine nature.  The choice of Joan of Arc is like the choice of
 the unconscious mind in a dream, in that the French Saint serves as a
 perfect symbol, a warrior woman, who unites in her mythos the different
 aspects of male and female archetypes.

 This is a bit difficult to explain, but those who have studied Freud or Jung
 may be able to help clarify the point.

those who've studied Freud or Jung will see such a conclusion as being, again
in the non-chinese tradition, as horse shit.  on the contrary, what a student
of Freud or Jung would determine very quickly is that your persistent
tendency to long-winded and extraneous responses indicate an agenda other
than the one you've owned up to, and indicates a hatred of Pound that mirrors
your own relationship with a particular family member.

the question of Pound's mental condition after being held in a cage exposed
to the elements under the fear that he was going to be shot is conveniently
ignored so that you might brandish another Hitler quote as an another nail in
Pound's fascist coffin.  contextual elisions such as this is one reason why I
think that your criticism of Pound isn't honest criticism, as there's no need
to keep repeating the same conclusions over and over, especially when the
points about Pound's serious flaws have been made by others long before you
trundled along to add your little pinch of salt. you're not the first person
in this particular arena whose exercise of good sense has been betrayed by a
crass ambition.