Everything that gets posted to this list shows up in my mailbox, not
once, but twice. I understand that some other people on the list have
the same problem, and I finally asked our local list gurus if they
could do something about the situation.  They said that I receive
duplicate postings because I am subscribed to the list under two e-mail
addresses.  But that doesn't explain why others are also receiving
duplicate postings.  So at this point I need to know how many of you
are receiving each posting twice.  And if you receive them only once,
it would be helpful to know that too.  In other words, I need to get a
sense of whether the problem lies in the way the list is configured, or
in the addresses under which some of us are subscribed.  Thanks.  You
may respond to this message either on the list or (to avoid cluttering
up the list) to me personally, at
[log in to unmask]

Thanks, Burt Hatlen