Thank you, Francis Gavin, for heading off another extension of another
strained metaphor. Perhaps a quote from Pound himself will elucidate the
problem as he sees it although there is much usefulness in speculating on
the Jungian approach.
    From a letter to Douglas McPherson, Nov.3, 1939 Pound writes,
    "The minute you proclaim that the mysteries exist at all you've got to
recognize that 95% of yr. contemporaries will not and can not understand one
word of what you are driving at. And you can not explain. The SECRETUM stays
shut to the vulgo. And H. Christian said years ago re catholics: 'For god's
sake leave 'em in there (i.e., church) If they weren't in there doing that,
they wd. be out here pour nous embeter'. -/-/"
    QUESTION: Does anyone know? - In an earlier letter Sept. 2,1939 to
McPherson Pound writes, "Note that Ron Duncan ----has found no poetry;
Laughlin has found no poetry; Angleton has found one poem of Cummings' which
I have been able to quote in "Meriiano di Roma"."
    Who is James Angleton?

    The question then seems to be; In Jungian terms does war originate at
all from the anima or is it only a product of the conscious and sometimes
rational animus? Or perhaps from both?