DanD wrote, in part..
>Should similar circumstances arise in the future, University officials
>should if at all possible promptly (with dignity) determine the wishes of
>the affected person or their family as to what level of contact is desired
>with program supporters and put the word out quickly and everywhere
>possible.   It might forestall a similar result as in this case.

I don't speak for the University, but I have seen press releases that
urged *reporters* to leave Shawn alone.  Unfortunately, the stories I've
seen have not emphasized the ways concerns individuals can make their
thoughts and concerns best known.

People on ME-Hockey really have seen more than anyone, and I'm grateful
for Sarah/Nonni posting thoughts and wishes from the Hockey office
(comments on Dan were better left unpublished, but Dan has thoughtfully
addressed that issue).

So, I'll just re-suggest: if you have private thoughts for Coach Walsh,
send e-mail to Bob Thomas or Nonni Daly (addresses in the archives) or
write to the Maine Hockey office (address in the archives).

Finally, go to MaineBeat.com and read or contribute to the "Get Well,
Coach" message board.  It's really quite impressive.

cheers, wayne

Wayne T. Smith
[log in to unmask]                          Old Town Landing