Here is an excerpt from Canto 54, which deals with the rise of the T'ang
dynasty (618-907 AD).
If we want to discuss Pound's verses, why not start here?  This passage is
one which touches upon many issues which interested Pound, namely the
transition from one government to another, war and peace, Confucianism,
Buddhism, and Taoism, the role of women, and several other issues.

I would invite others to comment on this passage, on other parts of the
China Cantos, or on other topics which might be of interest to them.

KONG sank in abuleia.  TANG rising.
And the first TANG was KAO TSEU, the starter.
And that year died Li-Chi that had come to his rescue
with a troop of 10,000.  The war drums beat at her funeral
And here husband drove back the tartars, Tou-kou-houen.
Fou stood against foe, damn bhuddists
When TAI TSONG came to be emperor he turned out  3000 fancies.

Built thus for two hundred years TANG
And there were ten thousand students.
           Fou-Y saying they use muzzy language
the more to mislead folk.
            Kung is to China as water is to fishes.
War, letters, to each a time.
             Provinces by mountain and rivers divided.
             ' A true prince wants his news straight '
TAI TSONG was no friend to taozers hochangs and foés.
Was observer of seasons, saying
              Take not men from the plough
Let judges fast for three days before passing capital sentences . . .


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