"Francis P. Gavin" <[log in to unmask]> made some remarks regarding:

<<Subject: Re: Reductionism, and the statement "Hiter was Jean d'Arc">>

He asserted that I

"don't like Pound because he was a

I never said that I do not like Pound.  In any case, the issue of likes and
dislikes might not be important here.  I was discussing the meaning of the
specific statement Pound made about Hitler and Jean d'Arc.

The queston was,
>What did Pound mean by, and what significance for analysis of his work lies
>in, the statement:  Hitler was Joan of Arc, a saint.

Your opinion on this matter might be valuable.  Would you care to say
something on the subject?



PS  Regarding my brief summary of an incident from "Travels to the West," I
could not comprehend the meaning of your statement.  Were you attempting to
express disapproval of the story itself, of the fact that it is a Buddhist
story, or that it was derived in part from Indian sources?  Ridiculing the
story is, of course, acceptable and welcome.  It is not intended to be
serious, nor should it be taken seriously.  A better response might have
been for you to urinate (or defecate) onto your computer terminal, and hope
that the pungent aroma would pass into cyberspace, and onto this discussion
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