Charles Moyer produced a letter written by Pound in which he made
complimentary remarks about a Jewish author.

So how do we read such a letter (one of two or three positive statements
listed on this discussion group, as "evidence" of Pound's alleged tolerance
of Jews)?  Should it not be examined in the light of Pounds hundreds of
anti-jewish statements?

Here is one of the hundreds contained in the radio broadcasts, which I
mentioned before.  This is the exact quote and reference, if you want to
look it up.

"The two oriental races which are not yet bekiked are the Japanese and the
Chinese."  (Doob, 253).

Forgive me for asking this, if I have done so before.  Others have answered
"yes", but I wonder if you, Charles Moyer, have taken the time to read the
Radio Broadcasts, and noted the anti-semitic attitudes present in those

If you have, I do not see how you would venture to imply that Pound was not
pro-Hebrew, in light of the VERY FREQUENT anti-Jewish statements he made
over the air, including his attempts to exhort listeners to a new
anti-Jewish "pogrom"?

Of course, there is the explanation that Pound simply lost his sense of
humor while making such speeches.  Perhaps one of Pound's relatives was at
fault, specifically his Auntie Semitizm.



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