Charles Moyer quotes from Also Sprache Zarathustra,

    "Vengeance will we use, and insult, against all who are not like us" -
thus do the tarantula-hearts pledge themselves. And 'Will to Equality'- that
itself shall henceforth be the name of virtue; and against all that hath
power will we raise an outcry!"

It reminds me of the scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian:

Brian:  You are all individuals.


Individual in the crowd :  I'm not.

What is the truth, latent in Monty Python's, Knee - Jeeze' , and Pound's
comic utterances?  Could it simply be that

1)  human beings, as social animals, need a system in which their individual
talents can thrive, and

2)   they need a system in which those who BELIEVE themselves to be
exceptional will not be permitted to tyrannize over others.   (?)

It is the second half of the equation which that great collective individual
---Monty Python-- understood; and which Pound and Nietsxszsche refused to
understand (perhaps because they thought those with "superior" intellectual
gifts entitled them to superior social status).

Of course Monty Python's wisdom is greater than Pound's or that of his
German equivalents.  This is so, if only because Monty would grant to the
Aristocrat that privilege which he so rightly deserves, namely: the
prerogative of granting the writ of a fish licence to an ordinary citizen,
the owner of that now-so-famous-fish called "Eric."

If only the life of a fish-licensing bureaucrat were the future destiny of
every aspiring Mussolini or Ubermensch!

Liberte' , egalite' , et poissonite',


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