Dear Sir,
An ironic incident occurred after I asked for instructions as how to get off
the list...I realized that despite my complaining about the arguments I
really do like to read the messages posted on this list...and therefore if
you would still have me I would like to stay on.
Maria Anna

>From: charles moyer <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: - Ezra Pound discussion list of the University of Maine
>    <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: FW: Maria's question
>Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 07:24:09 -0700
>From: "charles moyer" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Maria's question
>Date: Mon, Jul 3, 2000, 12:32 PM
>     Actually, Maria, the truth is there is no known incident of anyone who
>ever was able to get out of this List. The best one can do is read Sartre's
>"NO EXIT" with the probable result of coming to the same conclusion that
>Garcin did that "Hell is - other people!" Now there's one level Dante never
>imagined. All together now! LOL. Take the little man out of the box, put
>the little man back in the box, take the little man out of the box, put the
>little man back in the box, etc.

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